The Mission
Acknowledge, give thanks to, and honor the love and sacrifice ofJesus Christ. It is our purpose to share and spread the gospel. Our goal is to help others build arelationship with God, and our Lord and Savior. Not only do we endorse and promote the Word of God,we also produce positive atmosphere amongst our fellow brothers and sisters of Christ. We create thisatmosphere by using several tools. Our number one tool is prayer! We also use newsletters, which givesour members a platform to express themselves through poetry, short stories, testimonies, andmotivational words or wisdom. Our newsletters also help to keep our members informed on specialevents, as well as our ministrys progress. Our special events consist of fundraisers, clothing and foodgiveaways, and any other way we can help give back to the community. We want to contribute to savingthe youth by raising funds to build a community center, which will give our youth a positive place to bementored. The center will provide various programs for our youth to find peace, guidance, love and GodDrake Ministries also looks forward to providing those who are incarcerated and ex-incarcerated individuals with an avenue that will help them find God and themselves. Teachingthem, the word of God and that it is possible for second chances. God forgives all! In all, we arefocused on turning as many negatives as we can to a positive. We are more than a ministry, "Weare a lifestyle full of God's love and positive influences!"
Meet The Founder
Hey, my name is Jermaine A. Drake. I am the Founder, President, CEO, and Christiancounselor of Drake Ministries. I was born in Indiana, some of my hobbies include basketball, workingout, being a mentor to those in need, and I love to write. I have completed many achievements,including graduating from Christian Leadership University, where I obtained my Associates Degree inChristian counseling which prompted me to start Drake Ministries in 2010. Drake Ministries is known for giving back to the community. Which we have grown to now we are giving back to 5 differentcommunities. Muncie, Marion, Bloomington, Indianapolis, and Stone Mountain Georgia. We have givenback to the soup kitchen, the Boys and Girls club, Muncie Central High School, and the DomesticViolence Shelter for Women, Wheeler Mission Center, different daycare, single parent families and a lot more. We are also known for our inspirational Newsletters and daily devotional books, which you can find our latest books on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles titled "365 Days of Prayer" ,“God Does Speaks Through Prisoners” ,“Friday Night Church” ,“The Testimony, by Jermaine Drake.